Monday, August 24, 2009

To mentor or not to mentor?

Not long ago I was presented with a unique request: A friend wanted to know if I would act as her mentor if she took up flying. I was flabbergasted.

  /ˈflæbərˌgæst/ [flab-er-gast]
verb (used with object)
to overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound.

Yes, flabbergasted. Because for one thing, until that moment I really had no idea that the person in question was seriously considering flying lessons. It came (as we say) "out of the blue."

For another thing, no one had ever asked me to mentor him or her before, per se. It would be something new. I would have to prepare; brush up on a few things so as not to appear stupider than I already am. Worse, I might actually have to know my stuff.

And for yet another thing, this person lives 640 nautical miles (as the gull flies) from me. Any mentoring would have to be done by phone, e-mail, IM, or telepathy.

Not to kill the suspense, but I told my friend sure, if you sign up for lessons I'll do whatever mentoring you like.

As I write this, she has chosen a flight school and has applied for (and gotten) her Alien Flight Student Program clearance from TSA. Also, I've sent her a copy of Fly the Engine. And despite that, she still wants to fly. ;)

So now comes the hard part, for me: Learning to see everything through the eyes of an ab initio student; coming to grips with "beginner's mind" -- one of the hardest things there is.

Wish me luck.

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